
Compare the specifications of Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' varieties.

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Tree Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' Swan Hill Olive (Low-Fruiting)




Description This low-fruiting olive tree has slender, greyish-green foliage with a silvery underside. It is a relatively slow grower which responds well to pruning. If left unpruned, it can grow as tall as it does wide. Bark is pale grey in colour and although this variety does produce white flowers in spring, they are generally sterile and so will produce very little fruit. This is a tough tree which, once established, will tolerate periods of dryness.    
Mature Size 8 x 6m    
Uses As a low-fruiting variety, it is ideal for streetscapes, as there is no problem of fruit dropping on pathways. Olives are ideally suited to the residential garden too as they are long lived, small in stature, and are easily pruned. Where space allows, Olives look great planted in multiple numbers.    
Position & Soil 'Swan Hill' will tolerate most soils as well as prolonged periods of dryness. Like most trees, a humus-rich well-drained soil in a sunny position is its preferred growing condition.    
Pot sizes
in production
Substitutes Banksia integrifolia
Banksia marginata
Hakea laurina
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