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Why Winter Prune?

Some trees particularly deciduous ornamental trees really benefit from a winter prune.

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Winter is the perfect time to prune deciduous ornamental trees, as their structures are dormant.  Inside the tree though, important processes are underway. The tree is consolidating; resting and storing energy in the form of carbohydrates in the trunk and roots to enable it to grow and develop once spring hits the air and the promise of warmer weather is near.

For deciduous ornamental trees it is best to wait until they are fully defoliated, confirming they have entered their period of dormancy. Pruning while dormant also enables easier pruning decisions without leaves obscuring plant branch structure. 

For evergreen ornamental trees, it is suggested you hold off even longer (until the end of winter and even early spring) so that the wounds created by the cut are open for only the shortest period of time before healing is promoted with the onset of warmer weather. 

Pruning is more than just cutting off the odd limb. It is observing the tendency of a species and manipulating that to achieve a particular end. Knowing what you want to achieve is incredibly vital to doing a good job so don’t prune just for the sake of it. For big trees, if you don’t know why you are pruning, it is best to just leave the tree alone or get in an expert.

Pyrus ussuriensis (Manchurian Pear) needing some attention

Pruning is encouraged to build a stronger tree

Now is a good time to prune all fully defoliated deciduous trees such as Japanese and large leaf Maples, Ginkgo, Liriodendron, Birch including 'Moss ‘White’, Cercis, deciduous forms of Ash such as Fraxinus aurea and raywoodii, Crab Apple, Gleditsia, Jacaranda, Crepe Myrtle, Pyrus, Oak, and Robinia. 

For evergreen varieties, wait until late August and September. These include trees suitable for hedging, such as Syzygium, Acmena, Waterhousea, and Photinia.  The reward for this work will be a denser thicket, often over a shorter period of time.

Of course if you are unsure, contact us for advice as there are always exceptions to the rule and variations based on growing climate.  For example we prune Magnolias and Olives much later into spring due to slow growing cycles and risks associated with cuts that take longer to heal without the assistance of warmer weather.

Stronger foliage growth on most Japanese Maples will be promoted with a light pruning in winter. Your objective is to find the right level of pruning so that what is revealed is a branch pattern that looks good with or without foliage.  40cm/27L 50cm/52L
This is a very common deciduous tree in North America. It is a beautiful rounded tree with ascending branches when young, maturing to a more rounded canopy. Great for autumn colour. Leaves stay green longer than other varieties before turning bright orange to deep red. All parts of the tree, for example flowers, twigs and seeds, are red in varying shades. This tree is also known as 'October Glory' or 'April Splendour'. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L 150L
A highly ornamental, fast-growing, deciduous Oak which has an open, wide spreading habit. It is more rounded than Pin Oak with larger foliage showcasing a brilliant display of colour in autumn when the leaves turn an intensely vivid scarlet colour before falling. Spring sees glossy green, deeply lobed new foliage and acorns produced can take up to two years to mature starting off green and turning pale brown with a deep cap covering them by half. Young bark is relatively smooth and grey, darkening with maturity. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 200L
This tree has bright green foliage that turns to a pale yellow in Autumn. The trunk is a grey colour when young gradually turning to white. It produces long hanging pale green catkins. 'Moss White' has been selected for its bright white bark. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L 150L 200L
This is a striking feature tree which provides great summer shade. It has a uniform branch structure with bark which becomes deeply furrowed as it matures. Attractive dark green foliage is lighter on the underside and transitions through an array of colours starting with yellows, orange, fiery reds and rich burgundy as the weather cools in autumn. The leaves hold onto the tree longer into winter than other varieties of this species. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L 150L

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