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Trees for Sensory Gardens

We love the idea of creating gardens to live in, not just to view. To live in a garden means that there is an element of interaction - trees with scent, different textures or with flowering, fruiting, coloured foliage or mottled bark for visual interest.

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We love the idea of creating gardens to live in, not just to view. To live in a garden means that there is an element of interaction; this could mean effective lighting to enhance spaces and form such as the large limbs of trees in early evening enhancing outdoor dining or planting a grove of fastigiate trees in odd numbers to create a bushland effect for children to play in. Or it could mean planting trees and shrubs with distinctive foliage be it colourful, furry or scented encouraging touch and smell, like that of Lemon Scented Gum after rain. Imagine a life without green? It would be like living without connection.

Shows like the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show allow designers and installers to explore what’s possible, in turn inspiring us to challenge the norm and acknowledge what we like. Immersive gardens are packed with visual interest that works to keep us in our gardens for longer. By mixing species with different texture and form - tall with bushy, old with new, or mainstay favourites with architectural succulents, we create a connection to the trees and shrubs we plant.

So be adventurous and not restricted to only what’s currently trending. Tired of Ornamental Pear, Evergreen Magnolia and landscape designs with minimal variety? There is no need to restrict the creative designer in you when there are many trees to choose from.  Connection is individual and personal. What is most needed is a good understanding of what you are trying to achieve, keeping an open mind, and cultivating a keen eye for visual contrast.  Of course, not everything will grow where you may want it to, so the right advice from us can assist you greatly.

This tree has an attractive red stringy bark that exposes the cream-coloured bark underneath. It has white flowers tinged with pink during Autumn and Winter but can flower longer. The flowers look like bunches of little bells. The fruits appear green and then ripen to a bright red and are edible. The dark green leaves have a decorative serrated edge making this an all round beautiful tree. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
This is a small-growing eucalypt usually seen as a tall, spreading shrub that retains its juvenile foliage into maturity. Young leaves, stems and inflorescences have a powdery white bloom. Foliage is strikingly silvery-grey and round in form. Cream flowers are produced between May and November and the large fruits that follow are cup-shaped. 40cm/27L
This is a large attractive tree with a broad dome-shaped canopy and large long-stalked leaves. In summer it carries bell-shaped flowers in white, various pink shades, and soft apricot-orange, followed by clusters of long, pendulous, bean-like seed capsules, hence its common name. 100L
Azara microphylla is a small evergreen tree from South America with small deep green foliage that grows in a pinnate like form on slightly pendulous branches. Small yellow flowers are borne in spring and bring with it a nice vanilla scent.
This is a larger growing hybrid with dark green leaves, dense habit and a beautifully sweet scent from white cupped flowers that adorn the tree in spring. Adds height to the garden growing to 4m tall. 50cm/52L 150L
This is a small evergreen fruiting tree to approximately 3m tall. It produces green-skinned fruit with a sweet, aromatic flavour, which taste like pineapple, apple and mint. As a tree, it has attractive leathery green leaves with silvery undersides and pinky-white flowers with large red stamens. Good as a contrast tree in the garden. 40cm/27L
This Australian native that is indigenous to Victoria and Tasmania that will grow to about 12-15m. It has dark brown wood that is deeply furrowed wood. This is a hardy shade tree that produces masses of pale yellow flowers in clusters from late winter to early spring adding great colour in the winter months. 40cm/27L
A beautiful, tall growing Corymbia (syn. Eucalyptus) with a distinctive, often powdery white to grey coloured bark which curls and flakes off in spring. Its leaves are green, long and slender with an amazing, strong lemon fragrance when crushed. Its strong scent is a distinguishing attribute, with the essential oils produced from this variety often being used in fragrances as well as insect repellents. In summer and autumn, feathery white flowers appear, making it a good source of food for honey bees. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L

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With over 400 tree varieties for review, the Treefinder app enables you to conveniently browse and compile a list of trees suitable for a number of common landscaping uses - from attracting birds to creating a formal screen or hedge. By selecting desired size, foliage, and a few categories, Treefinder opens up a world of possibilities.

Once you've found the perfect tree you can click through to our website for more information, availability and a quote.

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We are specialists in the environmentally sustainable production of premium quality advanced landscaping trees and screens.

For more than 48 years Speciality Trees has been a leader in the production and supply of advanced environmentally sustainable, containerised landscape trees for local government, the landscaping industry and retailers.

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