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The beauty of Hakea

The 'who's who' in the Hakea world. Read on to find the one that's just right for your outdoor space.

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These native trees are so undervalued and underutilised in the modern garden.

They are great for native gardens as they attract birds when in full flower, but they are so versatile too especially when planted closely together for a tight yet breezy screen. And check out the subtle foliage differences in the selections below.

All Hakeas are subject to the sway of the wind. These are great selections to use for hedging in modern gardens.

This tree is a gem. When in flower it has the most amazing array of flowers - in combinations of light and dark pink, woven incricately and delicately up the tree. The open form of this Hakea means that the flowers are very easy to see. Outside of its flowering period, it is just as stunning. Known as grass-leaf Hakea it has an attractive open habit and long slender linear leaves.
Hakea laurina is bold and handsome with simple and shapely leaves widely spaced that wave and curl attractively. Flowers are packed in tight clusters on ripe wood. Flowering starts towards the end of April and goes normally until the end of August. The rounded pin-cushion flower heads are soft cherry red in colour, with projecting long styles, changing from white to pale pink when mature.
Hakea salisifolia has attractive pale to mid-green linear leaves to 12cm in length. The new growth has pinkish red to bronze tips which makes that in itself an attractive feature. To see this tree as a screen is a delight as its blend of colours particularly in winter and spring is delightful.

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Treefinder can help you identify the perfect tree for your next project!

With over 400 tree varieties for review, the Treefinder app enables you to conveniently browse and compile a list of trees suitable for a number of common landscaping uses - from attracting birds to creating a formal screen or hedge. By selecting desired size, foliage, and a few categories, Treefinder opens up a world of possibilities.

Once you've found the perfect tree you can click through to our website for more information, availability and a quote.

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We are specialists in the environmentally sustainable production of premium quality advanced landscaping trees and screens.

For more than 48 years Speciality Trees has been a leader in the production and supply of advanced environmentally sustainable, containerised landscape trees for local government, the landscaping industry and retailers.

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