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Ten things you may or not know about Eucalyptus trees

March 23 each year is National Eucalyptus day but to us, every day is National Eucalyptus Day! Here are some things you may not know about these wonderful native trees. 

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So there are three groups of gums, they're linked to Gondwana, millions of years ago, produce fruit and not nuts and most flower in summer - here's your chance to read up on these amazing trees, so iconic to our Australian way of life.

Now that we have your attention, check these out!

This attractive Australian native Angophora (syn. Eucalyptus) is loved for its smooth bark that is slightly purple in colour. It has large and twisted limbs and a very large expanded trunk base. It bears white flower clusters in spring. This tree has opposite leaves compared to alternate leaves as seen in eucalypt tree varieties. It has beautiful red new growth. 40cm/27L 100L
This attractive Australian native Angophora (syn. Eucalyptus) is loved for its smooth bark that is slightly purple in colour. It has large and twisted limbs, a very large expanded trunk base, white flower clusters in spring and beautiful red new growth. This variety, developed by and exclusive to Speciality Trees, is smaller in stature than the original, so it is more suitable for urban landscapes.
This is a slightly narrow-domed Corymbia (syn. Eucalyptus), developed by Speciality Trees, doesn't shed its branches. It has a smooth trunk that may be slightly mottled. The bark is a pinky-salmon in colour. Leaves are narrow and highly aromatic when crushed smelling strongly of lemon. This tree features lovely cream-coloured flowers in summer. 40cm/27L
A new grafted variety of ficifolia that has beautiful red new growth. A small compact growing native that adds great colour in the garden. The bird and insect attracting flowers are scarlet in colour and flower from Spring through Summer. 40cm/27L
A smaller version of Corymbia eximia (syn. Eucalyptus), the foliage is broad with a strong green colour and may turn a paler yellow/green in the colder months. The trunk adopts a gnarly, crooked appearance with mottled brown bark and in Spring the tree puts on an eye-catching display covering itself in creamy yellow flowers, attracting nectar loving birds. 50cm/52L
This Australian native is a medium sized tree, usually multi stemmed, stout and solid in its growth habit. It is a much smaller growing tree than regular E. cladocalyx. It has yellow and blue-grey coloured bark with a mottled appearance. The foliage is a glossy dark green on top with paler undersides. During the warmer months, yellow flowers are produced, followed by large gumnuts. 40cm/27L
This tree has a smooth trunk with cream to grey coloured bark which sheds in flakes. It has narrow shaped green leaves and as it matures, forms a large open canopy. From Autumn to Spring, an abundance of red flowers appear in clusters of three attracting a variety of birdlife. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
This tree is a medium to tall grower, best known for its unusual bark which varies from smooth to rough all the way down the trunk. Often the bark varies presenting an array of colours including grey, yellow, red and brown and occasionally, can be very dark and rough. Very fragrant, white flowers appear during the warmer months. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
This native Australian tree forms a wide canopy with dark green leaves which have a peppermint scent when crushed. The bark is grey or grey-brown and is quite fibrous and finely fissured. Often the branches develop a pendulous habit to the foliage as the tree gets older. It is a beautiful tree with small creamy white flowers borne from October to January. 40cm/27L

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