Mid-Green Foliage Selections

For the designer, foliage colour is just as an important consideration as the form of the tree and its function in the landscape. More soothing to the eye than lime green, here we focus on the crispness of mid-green selections.

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Think about all the variations of green in nature and the emotions that colour evokes. Almost always it is considered calming and tranquil, natural, safe and harmonious.  Green is the most balanced of colours making it a stable influence on us. Seldom would we feel anything other than relaxed and refreshed in a green environment regardless of its shade.

But there are many shades of green and these can vary in intensity. For the designer, foliage colour is just as an important consideration as the form of the tree and its function in the landscape.


Mid-green is a medium shade of green similar to forest green or pea green.  It plants well with other greens and purples, even pale purple. For contrast, team with pale yellow or orange. Depending on the depth of mid-green, go burnt orange; such a useful blend with the mix of evergreen and deciduous trees in autumn.

This striking tree has beautiful, broad heart-shaped green leaves which turn yellow in autumn. Often multi-trunked, the branches have a distinctive zigzag growth habit. Blossom like flowers appear from late winter to early spring, starting off as deep red coloured buds and opening to pink. In summer, long, flat leguminous seedpods develop and can hang onto the tree until winter.
A deciduous tree with beautiful autumn colour. The green heart shaped leaves change in autumn, displaying a brilliant array of colour in shades of crimson, yellow and orange. A fast growing small to medium tree with a distinct main trunk and grey bark with furrows which run from top to bottom. This variety starts off as a pyramid shape when young and develops a medium domed crown as it matures. In spring, yellow-green catkins are produced, followed by small capsules which open to reveal white, waxy seeds.
This is a deciduous conifer with soft, fine-textured, needle-like bright green foliage changing to a rusty orange in late autumn then brown before falling. Deeply fissured reddish brown bark. It has small resinous, round, purple cones. 40cm/27L
Unique to Speciality Trees and our best-selling and most popular tree! This is a versatile, bushy tree with a wonderful weeping habit making it perfect for large screening projects and the softening of fence lines. Propagated from Victorian mother-stock, unlike other Waterhousea, so responds better to all weather conditions, including cooler climates. New growth starts off pink with leaves turning to various shades of green as the foliage matures. Foliage is maintained to the base of the plant giving a year-round lush, full appearance. It forms a small quantity of creamy-white flowers in summer. Berry production on 'Whisper' is unlike other Lilly Pillies, with minimal quantities of small green berries that, whilst bird attracting, these fruits are tucked in amongst the foliage and are not obvious. 30cm/14L 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L 150L 200L
This attractive Australian native Angophora (syn. Eucalyptus) is loved for its smooth bark that is slightly purple in colour. It has large and twisted limbs and a very large expanded trunk base. It bears white flower clusters in spring. This tree has opposite leaves compared to alternate leaves as seen in eucalypt tree varieties. It has beautiful red new growth. 40cm/27L 100L
A rainforest tree native to the North-Eastern parts of Australia, this is a fast growing tree which is rarely affected by pests and diseases. Dome-like in shape, it develops a very dense foliage cover of dark green, leathery leaves providing good shade for the summer months. This variety rarely sheds limbs and has salmon coloured bark which flakes off over summer revealing orange-brown tones on the trunk. Summer also brings clusters of small white flowers whose stamens give them a decorative fluffy appearance.

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