Low Allergen Deciduous Trees

Looking for deciduous tree selections suitable for low allergen gardens?

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Trees and allergies often go together but with the right landscape planning, we believe sinus sensitivities can be minimised. We have assisted a number of designers recently with information on selections for childcare centres, playgrounds and schools with a low-allergen focus. While not an exhaustive list, these deciduous trees we believe are suitable and are provided below as a starting point.

This small, attractive tree has spectacular heart-shaped, burgundy coloured leaves that continually change colour throughout the year. A rich purple in spring, the foliage transforms to green over summer, followed by a multi-coloured autumn display in tones of red, apricot and gold. The branches have a distinctive, smooth, dark brown wood which contrasts well with the blossom like pink flowers that are borne before the re-emergence of leaves in spring. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L 150L
This is a very slow growing and long-lived, deciduous tree with a large and elegant habit. Considered quite an ancient tree, it is known to have origins dating back to Jurassic times and is often referred to as a living fossil. Specimens exist in its native origin, China which are estimated to be over 1000 years old. It has unique, double-lobed, fan-shaped leaves with veins which spread from the stalk of the leaf. Short catkins are produced, followed by yellow fruit and the foliage is a rich green, which turns a golden yellow in autumn.
This lovely small, deciduous tree has a moderate growth rate and great autumn colour in shades of orange, yellow and red. Bark is dark grey with shallow furrows and this variety is capable of withstanding relatively harsh conditions. Interesting pinnate leaves emerge green and leathery and although inconspicuous, clusters of small white flowers are borne in summer, followed by red drupes which mature to blue.
A fast-growing, medium-sized, deciduous tree. 'Green Vase' matures to a graceful, uniform V-shaped tree with a short trunk and upright branching. Bark is distinctive, predominantly in shades of yellows and light greys and has a flaky appearance revealing additional textures and tones of orange, brown and pink. In autumn, the dark green leaves held through spring and summer turn to an array of colours ranging from soft yellows to orange and rusty reds. 40cm/27L
This is an attractive densely canopied tree that grows to approximately 8m tall and 7m wide. It has a bloated trunk and large lobed leaves. During the summer months, the tree is densely packed with stunning powdery-red flowers that are shaped like small bells. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L

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