Glorious Brachychiton

Australia is home to some 30+ species of Brachychiton and additionally, many naturally occurring and horticulturally produced hybrids. Here are some you should be aware of including the newer, smaller growing varieties.

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Australia is home to some 30+ species of Brachychiton and additionally, many naturally occurring and horticulturally produced hybrids. There are many people who know about the colour flowering delight of Brachychiton particularly that of the magnificent Illawarra Flame Tree, Brachychiton acerifolia but there are others you should know about, equally as vibrant.

Brachychiton hybrid ‘Jerilderie Red’ leads the way. It is an attractive dense tree that grows to approximately 8m tall and 7m wide. While its origin is uncertain, earliest correspondence has it occurring as a seedling in the grounds of the Jerilderie Primary School New South Wales where the tree still stands today. With a standard tree shape, strong single trunk and an attractive green foliage on slender petioles, its worth as a specimen tree is undeniable.

Add to this a stunning display of red bell-shaped flowers produced on masse in the summer months, and its position intensifies as a fresh native selection for designers, developers, landscapers, arborists and consumers looking for something different. It is no wonder that the tree at Jerilderie attracts great attention when it flowers each year.

Its form does not come true from seed and so work is being done to propagate using the latest grafting techniques. Brachychiton graft readily and are very reliable, usually grafted onto B. populneus for drought prone areas, or onto B. acerifolia in wetter areas.

The form and colour of this magnificent Australian tree makes it suitable for many urban situations including commercial landscapes, streetscapes, schools, parks, golf courses and other amenity plantings as well as a very reliable shade tree in smaller gardens. Fully mature at 8m tall and after 20 years of observation it is an ideal evergreen selection with unmistakable clout.

Brachychiton ‘Jerilderie Red’ is one of a number of new grafted natives becoming increasingly available to the Australian market, heralding a new era of quality grown, compact, uniform native trees. This grafting program ensures that Brachychiton ‘Jerilderie Red’ can be brought into our communities where their beauty and significance as a signature Australian tree can be truly appreciated.

This is an attractive dense tree that grows to approximately 8m tall and 7m wide. With a standard tree shape, strong single trunk and an attractive green foliage on slender petioles, it makes a strong statement. Add to this a stunning display of red bell-shaped flowers and it is a stunner! 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 200L
This is a small to medium sized shade tree offering glossy green foliage and pretty clusters of salmon pink, bell-shaped flowers in Summer. As a grafted tree, it is more compact in size which makes it highly suitable for domestic landscapes. Flowers are bird attracting. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 200L
Evergreen pyramid shaped tree with densely packed panicles of bright pink flowers in late spring and early summer. Leaves are bright red when young. The trunk is very large and has green lobed foliage that creates a dense canopy.
Evergreen rounded pyramid-shaped tree with densely packed panicles of pink flowers in late spring or early summer. The trunk is long and thick and has green-lobed foliage that creates a dense canopy. Offers slightly different foliage to other pink varieties such as 'Bella Donna' and 'Bella Pink'. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
And for foliage, the winner is...Brachychiton populneus. Fascinating leaves are a healthy green and either simple and pointed in shape or highly lobed. Otherwise known as the Kurrajong Tree, they are quite widely grown as a street tree in country towns because they make manageable evergreen trees around 10 metres high - very acceptable for urban planning requirements.
This is a small to medium sized tree with a characteristic bulbous trunk which gives rise to the common 'bottle tree' name. Leaves are about 100 mm long and may have entire margins or be deeply lobed. The bell-shaped flowers are followed by seed capsules which contain many large seeds. 200L
Native to northern NSW and Queensland, these trees will grow in most places south too. They have compact root systems and have been used as street trees for this reason. In early summer it drops its leaves while it produces a beautiful display of bell-shaped, deep pink flowers. When the flowers fade, foliage returns. 40cm/27L

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