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Classic feature trees for right now

Big, bold and beautiful. Create an instant, eye-catching feature with these classic trees that have year-round staying power.

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Big, bold and beautiful. Create an instant, eye catching feature with these classic trees that have year-round staying power. A trip to the nursery will cement these in your mind too, as each are reliable growers in this climate and are versatile selections for a number of landscaping applications.

There is nothing like that striking feature tree in full flush. And something that combines beautiful structure, vibrant or unique foliage and the ability to burst out in spectacular flower is something to behold. Here are some of our favourites.

Callistemon is a genus of versatile native trees with 'Bottle Brush' flowers and classic selections for a bird-attracting garden, informal hedge or screen. Try Callistemon ’Kings Park Special' or the softly weeping foliage of Callistemon 'Dawsons River Weeper'. Flowering begins in Spring and foliage is well-branched and lush.

The new grafted forms of Corymbia ficifolia have improved vigour and flowering capability while remaining small enough to feature in residential gardens. Covering the entire tree, grafted gums come in a range of equally vibrant flower colours; 'Baby Orange' (A vibrant orange), 'Baby Scarlet' (A vibrant scarlet), 'Summer Beauty' (apple blossom pink), 'Wildfire' (a brilliant red) and ‘Wild Sunset’ (Orange). New foliage is reddish and a prelude to flowering which usually occurs in mid to late summer. And the display is amazing.

A feature tree with enormous street appeal is Jacaranda mimsifolia. This is an iconic tree with masses of attention-seeking purple flowers during the summer months. Enquiries escalate once these trees are in flower so designers and landscapers are always encouraged to secure material as early as possible in the year.

Another species to match Jacaranda in eye-catching appeal is Crepe Myrtle. They offer year-long fascination with fabulous autumn foliage, fascinating smooth limbs and great flowering colour in summer. Again, choose from an array of colours to suit your landscape design; 'Lipan' (pink), ‘Sioux’ (hot pink), 'Zuni' (lavender), 'Natchez'(white) and 'Tuscarora' (Coral Red).  

For summer flowering, try evergreen Magnolia which has been a classic selection for around pools and along driveways for a number of years now due to their elegant form and fuller foliage.  They are popular in streetscapes, as a specimen tree or planted in rows for a flowering formal screen. We grow Magnolia grandiflora 'Teddy Bear''Little Gem''Exmouth''Kay Parris' and 'Coolwyn Gloss' – all slightly different from each other in leaf shape or height adding to their versatility in the landscape. There is literally an evergreen Magnolia to suit your planting purpose.

Right behind Magnolias in popularity is Pyrus. Ornamental Pears make great features and we offer a selection to cater for everyone's needs including the narrow form ‘Capital’ rounded form 'Cleveland Select', and the more open Manchurian pear (Pyrus ussuriensis). Others species are pushing for popularity now including Snow Pear (Pyrus nivalis) and the semi-deciduous ‘Winter Glow’.

If you require more information on any of these trees, please visit the website or contact us directly.

This native shrub or small tree is very hardy and adaptable to a wide range of locations and soils. It is generally trouble-free, growing to about 4m high and 2m across. The flowers appear as beautiful crimson spikes which are borne in spring and summer. Requiring little to no maintenance, this variety flowers over a lengthy period and the slender, green foliage forms a neat, rounded appearance. 40cm/27L
This is a stunning grafted flowering gum which produces masses of flowers in summer. Large glossy foliage is dark green in colour, highlighted by lighter green undersides. New growth emerges with a reddish tinge. Its flower colour is a beautiful, soft pink with a hint of apricot, produced over the summer months, followed by large gumnuts. Rich in nectar, this is a great bird attracting, small grafted tree.
This fast-growing tree is an elegant specimen with soft, green foliage which turns yellow in winter before shedding. Flowering occurs in summer, when purple, bell-shaped blooms are produced, covering the canopy. The seed pods are very distinct fleshy curved green pods that eventually dry and open. It is an attractive open tree with branches upwardly ascending. A great summertime feature due to its stunning purple flowers. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L
This deciduous tree has small oval shaped green leaves which turn a stunning reddish/orange in autumn. The most striking part of the tree is the beautiful display of vibrant, hot pink, crinkled flowers which appear in late summer. Flowers form on new growth, and so are encouraged by winter pruning. Bark peels off to reveal a smooth trunk which is beige in colour with red-brown streaks. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L 150L
A beautiful dense tree with small mid-green glossy leaves and brown velvety underside. It produces creamy white fragrant flowers anytime during the warmer months from November through March. The tree grows denser and flowers are bigger than 'Little Gem', making this a popular alternative. It differentiates itself from other varieties by its wavy edge to its leaf and its bright pink new growth. 30cm/14L 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L
A medium sized, fast growing tree with a 3-6m spread and symmetrical, pyramid shape. Branches grow dense and upright, making this variety particularly useful where space is a little more limited. This tree has fantastic scarlet red hues during Autumn and puts on yet another show in spring with an abundance of brilliant white blooms followed by brown coloured fruits. Although this variety thrives in well drained, rich soils, it will also adapt well to a range of soils including areas with heavy soils suffering from occasional wet to dryer conditions. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L 150L

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