1060 Wellington Road
Narre Warren East VIC 3804
T: 03 9554 2000

Bold Flowering Advanced Trees

Big, bold and Beautiful - who says you have to wait! Create an instant, eye catching feature with our flowering beauties. With something for any season of the year, these are some of our favourites.

Magnolia x soulangeana 'Black Tulip' ™

Black Tulip Magnolia (deciduous)

Take a look at these beautiful dark purple goblet shaped flowers...just gorgeous. A deciduous magnolia which is bare in winter and flowers in spring.

Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei 'Zuni'

Crepe Myrtle (purple)

This variety can be used as a shrub or small tree. Foliage has red tinges when young and matures to a shiny dark green, with autumn foliage providing a colourful display of orange, red and maroon. Stunningly beautiful and free-flowering, masses of violet-purple flowers appear from summer through to autumn. Bark provides further interest as it peels, creating a mottled effect on the trunk. We grow this tree with a single trunk.

Callistemon citrinus 'Kings Park Special'

Kings Park Bottlebrush

This native shrub or small tree is very hardy and adaptable to a wide range of locations and soils. It is generally trouble-free, growing to about 4m high and 2m across. The flowers appear as beautiful crimson spikes which are borne in spring and summer. Requiring little to no maintenance, this variety flowers over a lengthy period and the slender, green foliage forms a neat, rounded appearance.

Magnolia grandiflora 'Kay Parris'

Kay Parris Magnolia (evergreen)

A beautiful dense tree with small mid-green glossy leaves and brown velvety underside. It produces creamy white fragrant flowers anytime during the warmer months from November through March. The tree grows denser and flowers are bigger than 'Little Gem', making this a popular alternative. It differentiates itself from other varieties by its wavy edge to its leaf and its bright pink new growth.

Prunus serrulata 'Shirotae' (grafted standard)

'Mt Fuji' Grafted Standard Ornamental Cherry

A very popular feature tree for small gardens. This deciduous, ornamental cherry develops a spreading flat crown with branches that droop down slightly. A beautiful display of pure white, semi double blossoms cover the tree in early to mid-spring, followed by finely serrated, pale green leaves which darken to mid green over the warmer months. In autumn, foliage turns shades of orange and red.

Brachychiton populneus x acerifolius 'Bella Pink'

Bella Pink Brachychiton

This is a small to medium sized shade tree offering glossy green foliage and pretty clusters of salmon pink, bell-shaped flowers in Summer. As a grafted tree, it is more compact in size which makes it highly suitable for domestic landscapes. Flowers are bird attracting.

Jacaranda mimosifolia


This fast-growing tree is an elegant specimen with soft, green foliage which turns yellow in winter before shedding. Flowering occurs in summer, when purple, bell-shaped blooms are produced, covering the canopy. The seed pods are very distinct fleshy curved green pods that eventually dry and open. It is an attractive open tree with branches upwardly ascending. A great summertime feature due to its stunning purple flowers.

Hymenosporum flavum

Native Frangipani

Commonly known as the native Frangipani, although not related to the exotic form, this tree bears highly fragrant flower clusters that start out cream and turn to yellow. It is a rainforest tree native to Queensland and New South Wales and its large, glossy leaves give it a tropical look. Growing to 8 metres in ideal conditions, it is capable of providing a nice canopy and the flowers are great for attracting birds and native bees.

Disclaimer: The material contained on the Speciality Trees website is for general information only. Although much care has been taken to provide the information on its website, Speciality Trees does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of this information and its suitability to your needs. All material listed on the Speciality Trees website, its associated links and product sheets are varieties either ready for sale or in production. This is an information source and not confirmation of availability. It is strongly recommended that users enquire about product availability independently of this source.