Blue-Green & Blue-Silver Foliage Selections

For the designer, foliage colour is just as an important consideration as the form of the tree and its function in the landscape.

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Think about all the variations of green in nature and the emotions that colour evokes. Almost always it is considered calming and tranquil, natural, safe and harmonious.  Green is the most balanced of colours making it a stable influence on us. Seldom would we feel anything other than relaxed and refreshed in a green environment regardless of its shade.

But there are many shades of green and these can vary in intensity. For the designer, foliage colour is just as an important consideration as the form of the tree and its function in the landscape.

Blue-Greens & Blue-Silvers

The last category we have defined is a unique combination of green-blue and blue-silver.  These are colour we find endearing in a landscape design as it represents a beautiful segment of the Australian bush.  All are cool and vary towards mint or silver depending on the level of chlorophyll in the leaf.  Great effects can be achieved by accentuating a design with this shade and they look especially good planted with pinks, whites, blues and burgundy red.

This tree has a smooth trunk with cream to grey coloured bark which sheds in flakes. It has narrow shaped green leaves and as it matures, forms a large open canopy. From Autumn to Spring, an abundance of red flowers appear in clusters of three attracting a variety of birdlife. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
This Australian native tree grows naturally down the central tablelands of New South Wales to Victoria, and across as far as Ararat. A tough tree, it is capable of tolerating difficult, dry stony soils. Juvenile foliage is oval in shape and grey-green in colour whilst the mature, adult leaves are more ovate. The short trunk can be smooth or box-like (fissured). Flowering occurs from September to January during which small white flowers appear. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L
This Australian native tree has a dense growth habit with long green leaves bearing silver undersides. The leaves can have spiky or smooth margins. The large yellow cylinder shaped flowers are a stunning feature to the tree and attract native birds and insects. The flowers are borne from spring to autumn.
This tree is a medium to tall grower, best known for its unusual bark which varies from smooth to rough all the way down the trunk. Often the bark varies presenting an array of colours including grey, yellow, red and brown and occasionally, can be very dark and rough. Very fragrant, white flowers appear during the warmer months. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
A smaller version of Corymbia eximia (syn. Eucalyptus), the foliage is broad with a strong green colour and may turn a paler yellow/green in the colder months. The trunk adopts a gnarly, crooked appearance with mottled brown bark and in Spring the tree puts on an eye-catching display covering itself in creamy yellow flowers, attracting nectar loving birds. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
This is a small shrub with medium frost tolerance for use as a dense narrow flowering screen. Preferring full sun to light shade it produces upright lemon brush-like flowers from late summer to winter. Responds well to pruning. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
This is a hardy Eucalypt commonly found in subalpine areas across the eastern regions of Australia. Young branches are glossy and red and as the tree matures, it develops smooth bark ranging in colour from green to grey and cream. Often, the trunk and branches will develop a crooked, twisted appearance. Leaves are large, glossy, thick and waxy and white flowers appear during the warmer months, followed by large gumnuts. 40cm/27L
Native to the Mediterranean, Olive trees are generally hardy trees with good tolerance to poor soils. This one is no exception. The Mission Olive grows between 4-9 m depending on conditions. Ours is grown as a single trunk specimen. The grey-green leaves are thick and leathery. Fruits start green, and turn black when they ripen. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L 150L

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