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Balance bold colour with these cool natives

Break up that green palette and be captivated by our Australian natives. Incorporate some of the cool blues and icy greens of our native trees which provide unique, year round beauty.

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On the subject of selecting and planting trees this time of year, we immediately think of those traditional deciduous lines synonymous with bold autumn colour. But we ask that you don’t overlook the crispness of Australian natives. Their cool blue and icy green shades instil their own unique beauty year-round in the landscape and provide a welcome contrast to a strictly green palette.

For a complete package of cool-coloured leaf and intriguing bark, Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Euky Dwarf’ offers the complete package. It is a shapely native with a light open canopy, single trunk and smooth bark that sheds. A year-round performer, its greyish green leaves once mature is offset by masses of pink, red and sometimes cream blossom from late autumn to early summer. Its size makes it ideal for small gardens and landscapes, planted singularly for contrast or in groups for a wonderful mini bushland effect.

If your focus is purely bark related, the compact growing Corymbia citriodora ‘Scentuous' syn. 'Dwarf Pink’ with its beautiful salmon pink bark and slender aromatic leaves will definitely captivate. 

This Australian native is a medium sized tree, usually multi stemmed, stout and solid in its growth habit. It is a much smaller growing tree than regular E. cladocalyx. It has yellow and blue-grey coloured bark with a mottled appearance. The foliage is a glossy dark green on top with paler undersides. During the warmer months, yellow flowers are produced, followed by large gumnuts. 40cm/27L
This Australian native tree grows naturally down the central tablelands of New South Wales to Victoria, and across as far as Ararat. A tough tree, it is capable of tolerating difficult, dry stony soils. Juvenile foliage is oval in shape and grey-green in colour whilst the mature, adult leaves are more ovate. The short trunk can be smooth or box-like (fissured). Flowering occurs from September to January during which small white flowers appear. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L
This is a slightly narrow-domed Corymbia (syn. Eucalyptus), developed by Speciality Trees, doesn't shed its branches. It has a smooth trunk that may be slightly mottled. The bark is a pinky-salmon in colour. Leaves are narrow and highly aromatic when crushed smelling strongly of lemon. This tree features lovely cream-coloured flowers in summer. 40cm/27L
Unique to Speciality Trees and our best-selling and most popular tree! This is a versatile, bushy tree with a wonderful weeping habit making it perfect for large screening projects and the softening of fence lines. Propagated from Victorian mother-stock, unlike other Waterhousea, so responds better to all weather conditions, including cooler climates. New growth starts off pink with leaves turning to various shades of green as the foliage matures. Foliage is maintained to the base of the plant giving a year-round lush, full appearance. It forms a small quantity of creamy-white flowers in summer. Berry production on 'Whisper' is unlike other Lilly Pillies, with minimal quantities of small green berries that, whilst bird attracting, these fruits are tucked in amongst the foliage and are not obvious. 30cm/14L 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L 150L 200L
This attractive Australian native Angophora (syn. Eucalyptus) is loved for its smooth bark that is slightly purple in colour. It has large and twisted limbs and a very large expanded trunk base. It bears white flower clusters in spring. This tree has opposite leaves compared to alternate leaves as seen in eucalypt tree varieties. It has beautiful red new growth. 40cm/27L 100L
A rainforest tree native to the North-Eastern parts of Australia, this is a fast growing tree which is rarely affected by pests and diseases. Dome-like in shape, it develops a very dense foliage cover of dark green, leathery leaves providing good shade for the summer months. This variety rarely sheds limbs and has salmon coloured bark which flakes off over summer revealing orange-brown tones on the trunk. Summer also brings clusters of small white flowers whose stamens give them a decorative fluffy appearance.

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For more than 48 years Speciality Trees has been a leader in the production and supply of advanced environmentally sustainable, containerised landscape trees for local government, the landscaping industry and retailers.

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