Order by phone or email to receive 30% off the retail price of trees across our entire range of quality containerised trees! Applicable to orders placed from 24th of March, ordered and paid by the 30th of April 2025. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Trees as a Christmas Gift

Trees are an incredible gift, particularly at Christmas time when many people are looking for more sustainable, eco-friendly gift solutions. And, what’s more eco-friendly than an oxygen-producing, carbon-abating tree? 

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Trees are an incredible gift, particularly at Christmas time when many people are looking for more sustainable, eco-friendly gift solutions. And, what’s more eco-friendly than an oxygen-producing, carbon-abating tree? 

But how to select the perfect tree for someone else...

Choosing a tree for someone can be tricky. They’re a personal decision, based on the likes of the person or the environment in which they live. So selection can depend on many factors:

  • Size of home or property
  • Personal taste - colour, shape, attributes
  • Maintenance required for the tree once it's planted, and
  • How long they plan to live in that home. Is it for immediate affect or for later on? 

So, selecting a tree is challenging. If you’re determined to keep the recipient in the dark and surprise them, but you’re still unsure what to buy, then we’d recommend reading up on some collections we have assembled:

Plus many others in our Collections including:

These lists provide a variety of options, along with links to more information. And, if you’re unsure, you can always ask a member of our team, who are always happy to help.

What If I Don’t Know What Tree to Buy?

If you’re feeling too unsure about which tree will work for the recipient, but you’d still like to buy them the gift of a ‘tree’, then we’d recommend a gift voucher. We have over 200 lines to choose from, so the gift receiver can come and check the trees out for themselves, talk with our experts and decide on a tree that works for them – something they can love for decades to come. Consider these reasons for buying trees:

  • Quality trees that last generations, so the tree increases in value as it matures, adding more value to your home
  • Gifting a tree is a unique and meaningful gesture that grows with time (pun intended). 
  • Unlike fleeting gifts, a tree becomes a living symbol of remembrance, providing a lasting memory of the giver.
  • Trees remind us of our immortality and the messages we want to teach and leave our kids. 
  • It can remind you of a loved one, perhaps living away from home or passed. 
  • Like music, trees are a backdrop to life. They can place us in time and remember what is special.

    A tree lives beyond us.
    And it's why we're moved to grow great trees.

Shop our Gift Voucher here.

17/12/2024 In the News, Trees in focus


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Treefinder can help you identify the perfect tree for your next project!

With over 400 tree varieties for review, the Treefinder app enables you to conveniently browse and compile a list of trees suitable for a number of common landscaping uses - from attracting birds to creating a formal screen or hedge. By selecting desired size, foliage, and a few categories, Treefinder opens up a world of possibilities.

Once you've found the perfect tree you can click through to our website for more information, availability and a quote.

Try it online


We are specialists in the environmentally sustainable production of premium quality advanced landscaping trees and screens.

For more than 48 years Speciality Trees has been a leader in the production and supply of advanced environmentally sustainable, containerised landscape trees for local government, the landscaping industry and retailers.

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