Tree Species Trialling

Speciality Trees has joined forces with Treenet to offer Councils an innovative program to trial small batches of tree material for suitability in their local areas under local conditions.

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The process of trialling new tree material takes time and effort, but the gains to horticulture, landscaping and amenity planting can be substantial.  The aim of this collaborative Trialling program is to increase species diversity based on results-driven, localised tree survivability and performance.


During the year, Speciality Trees, in conjunction with its council customers and in collaboration with Treenet, will identify potential tree species suitable for inclusion in the Trialling Program. This discussion results in an agreed, commercially viable and resource-considerate species list for trialling the following year.

Each November, Councils will be invited to participate in the Trialling Program with material selected from the Species List.  

A 3-party approach means there is the appropriate management and measures on each stage of trialling for the best results:

  • Speciality Trees expertise with seed sources, variety selections, propagation and seeding methods;
  • Council expertise on species and location planning and with teams in place to plant and maintain;
  • Treenet expertise to document and record with the aim of reporting on findings nationally.

Ideally, this program is designed to run across a minimum 3-5 year period. Depending on the trial species. Delivery of any material supplied under these trialling terms can occur anywhere within an 18 to 36-month window.

This program aims to secure a commitment from all parties ensuring everyone remains cognisant of the end result regardless of time, effort and the impact of personnel changes across all businesses.


Expressions of interest have CLOSED on the current 2022 Program offered to Councils in November 2022. Discussion will commence in April on inclusions for the 2023 Species List.

For more information on this collaborative program, please contact:
John Simpson or Ben Scoble at Speciality Trees on 03 9554 2000 or
Dr Tim Johnson at Treenet on 08 7080 6310.

25/01/2023 In the News


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For more than 48 years Speciality Trees has been a leader in the production and supply of advanced environmentally sustainable, containerised landscape trees for local government, the landscaping industry and retailers.

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